pro tag blo
Monday, February 28, 2005

maths test was okay.
i think i should not have studied so hard for it.
most of it i could do larrh.
at least i complete the whole paper.
not in a very good mood today.
since when i am in good mood rights?
release of o's results.
saw many people crying.
it is kinda sadd.
liwen is so super pro.
cannot stand her. 6 leii.
smack her arrh.
but most of the people i know are happy.
and that is good larrh.
i have ulcer!
i carn play my instru properly.
dunn feel like doing anything now.
dunn feel like studying for geog.
i am preparing to flunk it.
i am not in the mood to do anything.
everything is going so wrong for me.
i am just drifting away from people.
not telling anyone anything.
i am sorry if i offended anyone with my badd mood.
i am seriously sorry.
but i carn help it.
that is all that i cann feel.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

i feel freakingly stupid.
i think i am too.
i left my maths wbk in school
when there is a maths COMMON test tmr.
kill me people.
shoot me.
wad the heck larrh.
i cannot believe that i am so stupid.
fine. i shall happily fail my test.
and let tan han kiang scold.
unhappy with myself.
i shall do the questions in textbk.
although it doesnt help much.
better than not studying at all.
jiayou everyone.
**gone off to study**

Saturday, February 26, 2005

inez is guaii kiaa.
i am currently at home doing hw.
but i am seriously not in the mood.
i am in a depressed mood now.
thinking of all the things i shouldnt be thinking of.
thinking of the person i shouldnt be thinking of.
memories just keep resurfacing.
i dunnoe whyye.
the more i want to keep them in my heart.
the more they keep replaying in my mind.
is this all meant to be.
i guess all would have to end.
everything will just become memories.
i will have to move on.
the trip to east coast has brought back memories.
good and badd.
i will remember the good.
and let the waves wash away the badd.
i hope u will do that too.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

jerallyn is lame.
rolls eyes.
jerallyn is "entertaining" me.
yeahh. how great.
dunnoe larrh.
i am getting pissed.
with everyone ard me.
everything ard me.
todae went to east coast.
with lydiia and wanyann.
vanessa cannot make it.
she wrong channel larrh.
wonder how am i going to go to school.
dunn feel like bl0gging.

Friday, February 18, 2005

guess i have been real tired
these few days.
band has been taxing too.
because of SYF.
juanzhen has been teaching me spore rhapsody.
improved loads.
all thanks to my teacher!
yuppers. hornn section is getting noiser.
because everyone is practising!
lurrve it manns.
although i am tired.
but spent time meaningfully.
school has been boring.
nothing is spicing up my life
except that everyone is getting stressed up
for all the tests next week
even me myself is like super stress

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

now i am currently at lydia's house.
supposed to go out with her.
but she pang sehh me.
and me as usual, being a nice gerr.
decided to come her house and study.
but ended up watching fear factor.
can u believe that sporeans is scared of
diao dort dort cann.
is like wadever.
if say scared of death is acceptable.
but cockroaches?
three drops of sweat.
today is quite okayy.
but it is time to study.
no more slacking.
cause next week is a week of torture.
got 5 tests cann.
210205--science +maths test.
220205--rest day
230205--history + chinese + geog.
so nice right?
like wow.
haisho. i must really study.
and of course work hardd for band.
good luck everyone is surving the week.
and more weeks ahead.
cheese. smiles.
unhappy memories fading away.
happy memories resurfacing back again.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

SYF results are out.
din go to school todayy.
was real sick.
regretted it sia.
should have gone to school.
my section almost everyone got in.
they say we have another chance 2 yrs later.
but it will be different.
a different band without the sec 3 & 4
it will just be different.
haish. saddening dayy.
huggs to all those who din get in.
i think everyone will start working harder.
we have to get the gold.
for ourselves.
for sir.
for all those who din get in.
for cedar symphonic band.

Monday, February 14, 2005

vdae is here!
happy valentines day!
to everyone out there.
who said vdae is only for couples?
i enjoyed myself in cedar cann.
and i celebrated vdae with 90 over girls.
hahax. band.
came to school super early.
go around finding people.
giving them gifts.
lots of hilarious stuff.
pinkks is cute cann.
she and her flowers.
lichuu too.
her dried flower. nice. nice.
and of course.
my dia. her flower and cardd.
alot other people
gave me edible stuff.
it was rather okayy.
other than the fact.
tomorrow will have results.
tomorrow will be a depressing day.
for every single person.
dunn feel like going leii
escape from reality.
went to find sulynn after band.
gave her prezzie.
hahax. she super farni.
she gave me choc.
grow fat arrh.
slept when i reached home.
super tired.
carn help it.
was running around in school mahh.
i cann just go and die for all my hw.
life is like a straw.
it sucks.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

life is sucky.
dortness larrh.
i am feeling mooddy nowadays.
yesterday was a pissy dayy.
today was okayy.
but still have the aftereffects of yesterday.
lurrve sulynn to bits!
she simply rawk larrh
yesterday was complaining to her.
asked me to call her.
but i dunn want.
voice weird weird de mahh.
then she very nicely took the initiative to call me.
on my handphone.
super hilarious.
was shocked when i saw her name appearing
was like crying over the phone cann.
dunn like the feeling of crying.
su ask me cryy in front of feifei(zhangwenyu)
and feifei will give in to me.
shall tryy that tomorrow.
not that mean larrh.
jeral was comforting me too.
thanks god ferr su and jeral.
wenn- too.
lurrve them loads.
although they dunn lurrve me.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

wadd is the problem with them?
whhye cant i buy my own things?
whyye carn i spend money?
when u all spend $1999 on some freaking stupid stuff?
wadd is this?
wadd is ur problem with me?
am i that problematic that u all hate me?
i know i have been spending alot of valentines day gifts.
that is whyye i only spend $5 today.
i wanted to tell u all happily that i saved so much.
but u all could only say
i keep on spending without knowing to earn.
i dunnoe how to earn
but at least i tryy to save.
it hurts.
it really does.
i hate u.
i hate me.
just let me die will u?

with jens*toot now larrh
that stupidd gerr.
sayy so many badd things bout me in her blogg.
spoil my guai kiaa image.
no larrh. if she stupid then i wadd.
she super smart larrh.
later going to do IPW.
i think i am gonna fall asleep.
people! crack some jokes to wake me up kk.
i shall not type so much.
shall force toot to come my blogg to readd.
wadd i am going to type at night.
bye. i am not as luo suo as toot!!

Friday, February 11, 2005

i simply lurrve liao simin to the core!
she totally rawkx!
i like lost my file and
she found it back!
it really sucks when u lose ur things.
understood how wen feel when she lost her wallet.
ke liann.
saw so many people at J8
i think i am like super fated with them cann
go where see until where.
wad the lorr.
last time kovan
now J8.
wadd the crapp larrh.
unwanted people in my life.
went out with laogong, sis, quincy and chu.
funny larrh.
ate at deli.
cause got no seatts.
then jeral started to cough like madd.
bless u kk.
dunn sickk liaox.
shall go gett some honey for her.
haisho. dunnoe how to take care of herself.
*shakes headd*
took neos with laogong.
hahax. dia super funny.
but it turned out nice!
lurrve laogong to bits!
today my mood was okayy.
thought i would be in a pissy mood.
waited for eva with jerall.
super worried on the train.
thinking of my poor file.
and dia found it!
she went back specially to find it!
i lurrve her.
she rawkx
but of course.
must thank jerall too.
she helped in the search.
i am away from depression.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

chinese new yr celebrations is horrendous.
whyye must the sec 2s sit at gallery?
sec ones more enthu isit?
wad the heck cann.
and i simply hate rachel from 1/s.
she is like so poser.
cannot stand her.
*rolls eyes*
i dunnoe wadd is the problem with me these few days.
i am just getting so pissed.
pissed at everyone.
and everything.
wadd is the problem?
i dunnoe.
i seriously dun.
i simply flared up in front of them.
i am pissed.
maybe i made the wrong choice by going back.
i just seemed to be living in my own wurld.
not theirs.
i am locked inside my own wurld.
wadd is this?
i dunnoe.

Monday, February 07, 2005

the new year mood is starting to sink in.
good or badd?
i am just wondering
wondering about some things.
there are just so many things on my mind now.
not only my own probs.
pat. dunn do that again kk.
dunnoe wadd am i supposed to feel now.
dunnoe wadd am i supposed to think about now.
drills was okayy larrhx.
but dressing still alittle out.
i think it is quite okayy though.
dia pangsehh me.
dunn feel like talking anymore.
*i am swinging*

Sunday, February 06, 2005

i am finally done with the home econs thing.
dunnoe wadd am i doing oso.
i am just basically crapping away.
i am in no mood to do anything nowadays.
i am just letting my imagination run wild.
i really hope drills will turn out fine.
i really hope so.
i will practise tomorrow.
i will play every single minute.
hope jessica's legg will recover in time.
then everyone cann do drills together.
i am looking forward to that.
i am feeling better now.
thanks everyone.
thanks yunn.
thanks qianns.
thanks jessica.
thanks sulynn.
thanks bryan kor.
thanks everyone for caring.
yes. yunn is right.
we have to move on.
no matter wadd happens.
we have to move on.

went shopping for valentines day prezzie
bought roses for everyone.
yellow and redd. looks so fake.
din like.
heex. my roses are fake.
din want to buy real ones.
cant last then ppl will forget me.
nowadays i am smiling.
but in my heart.
i am not.
please dunn say i am fake.
i just seriously feel depressed.
i hate pressure.
i hate ppl being overconcern.
pat. i understand.
please hang in there okayy.
dunn be affected.
dunn be like me.
okayy not in the mood to talk.
bye depression.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

we went to singapore conference hall(SCH) yesterday.
i was so amazed by the lights and everything.
and claire was so funny.
heehex. she was complimenting the hidden speakers.
and the seat arrangement.
i dunoe.
when the thing started.
it got quite saddening.
i think si ru must be so stressed up.
wadd is happening to us?
bi huan didnt come.
i think she is sick bahhx.
she was coughing away the past few days.
hope she is alright.
the ma'ams came and see us practise.
i hope we din disappoint u all.
i really dunn want to disappoint them.
then we need to do bells in the air.
i cannot change my embrosure in time!
i shall practise.
practise harrder.
i am touched by wadever shuying said in msn.
she told me to work hard.
and we will enter syf together.
i should be the one comforting her.
but now she is the one encouraging me.
thanks for everything.
i shall work hard.
i shall not slack during band.
i shall go for every practice.
every sectional.
i will prove to the holland conductor.
cedar band will enter SYF as one FULL band!
i will prove him wrong.
i will do everything i cann to improve.
i will lurrve band more than before.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

whhye must all these happen when i am starting to lurrve band?
as in lurrve?
i am just so tired of everything.
whyye must they do this to us?
tearing us apart after being together for one yr.
when we have really bonded?
whyye whyye?
i really dunn understand.
we are one band.
we should be together in everything.
shuying. i am sorry.
i am sorry that i couldnt do anything to comfort you.
peiting. i am sorry too.
i didnt do anything when i saw u crying.
everyone broke down today.
it really broke my heart when i see them cryy.
it hurts.
it really does.
band and its members have connected themselves to my heart.
peiting. i dunnoe her well.
but i know.
she is a good senior.
despite everything.
she still doesnt blame anyone for anything.
sorry i carn help much.
shuying. the gerr who was crazy over hp.
i remembered so clearly.
everything about her.
her harry potter craze and her laughter.
her unique laughter.
but today.
i realised.
her laughter brightens my dayy.
her cries break my heartt.
shuying. i am really sorry.
sorry for not able to help.
please dunn cryy.
please dunn feel sadd.
i will treasure everything in bandd.
from now onwards.
i am sorry.
to all the leaders.
for my previous poning band and everything.
i will work hardd.
even if i dunn gett into SYF.
i will work hardd.
i see band uniting together to form one.
let us remain like this forever.
dunn let anyone or anything break this bond.

i am in a pissy mood. dunn come and chao me!
today's band was totall horror.
at first it was okayy. until the truth came.
it is like sir din want any of the alto clar.
like wadever.
and the conductor seriously have a badd attitude.
dunnoe larrh. wad the -toot-.
i dunn want to curse here.
i heard from jess that my sect got 1 sec 2 only.
i think should be wanyan bahhx.
cause i really did badly for the audi.
but they sayy is SL choose leii.
dunnoe larrh. i am like so darn confused now.
all emotions mixed up.
whose fault is it?
i seriously dunnoe.
i hate life.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

hoho.. today was a funn and crappy dayy. okie. school wasnt that great after all. cause today de history lesson was like horrendous cann. i think 2/o is like so great cann. have the ability to chase a teacher away.
cause ms chia was trying to make us keep quiet. most of the people already shut up liaox. except for some people who dunn know the meaning of shutt up. people from 2/o should know larrh. dunn want to be so badd.
yes yes. and ms chia got angry and started to pack her things. i thought she was just going to pack her things and leave it there but we were WRONG! she packed her things and left the classroom cann. whao lao lorr..
and that person still dunn want to shuddup. i lurrve my daughter jaslin tan so much sia. she is so super zai cann. asked that person to shutt up. jaslin rocks. i think she is everyone de idol bahh. hahahx. that person deserved to be punished cann.
then somemore we dunn really have a lot of history lessons lorr. one lesson wasted just like that. wadd the heck larrh. life wasnt that badd after that larrh. just that i was super pissed off with that person cann. haisho. why is she so hateable?
after school went out with lydia to study. went to kovan heartland mall cause simply couldnt find any other place. haha. sat down at KFC from dunnoe when until 4++ larrh. during that period i saw aherm and aherm. yes yes. spoilt my mood.
super ap cann. whao lao.. nevermind shall not comment here. then lydia was so interested cann. haisho. lydia.. i din know u were a les sia.. hahahx. okayy yes. i am madd. then we went walk walk and as we walk.. we saw.....
dawn dawn!! ahahahx. she was with her boyfriend larrhx. asked us a whole lots of questions. she might be coming back to see us during the singapore conference hall thingy. yes yes. me and lydia was like errms.. cause we like lightbulbs. very bright ones.
and she is also in SA!! haiyo.. asked me and lydia to buyy tix from her. should i go anot huh? i think if i dunn go su will kill me. *hides* i miss sec one. i miss rens. i miss su. i miss dawn. i miss liwen. i miss everyone. but time flies huh.. treasure the time u have now..
*tsktsk blinkblink diaodiao dortdort gigglegiggle winkwink*