Sunday, July 20, 2008

It was a happyhappy day out (:
A well-spent saturday makes me feel really happy cos I honestly think that weekends are really meant for you to enjoy and relax :D Was supposed to meet Cedric for dinner today, but in the end he couldn't make it, so we went on a date! Teehee (:
It was off to Cineleisure from my house to catch Hellboy 2. Before going into the movies, we had some time to spare, so we went to the Apple store, and judging from the pictures I've posted, yes, we camwhored with Mac Notebook and bluetoothed the pictures into my phone :D Yeah man! Yall can do so when yall have nothing to do while waiting for movies to start!
Hellboy, it's quite a good show! Go catch it man! We wanted to watch Red Cliff, but it was simply sold out luh ): It's okay, we'll catch it in the week ahead :D
And then we headed off to Marina Square to have our lovely dinner at Ministry of Food! I finally had my unagi hot stone rice. The food was awesome, cos we had bento, hot stone rice, potato salad, salmon sashimi, and macha zen! :D Good food aye? (:
Right now while I'm sitting in front of the computer, reminiscing whatever happened earlier on it the day, I wished this day didn't have to pass so fast. Afterall, a happy day passed means one day lesser.
Time's running out. Aye.
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Saturday, July 19, 2008
It is pretty interesting to find out how different people view the word 'love'.
There are some who would give it their all for each and every one of the relationship that he or she goes through for they got together with the person for the simple reason that they know they would last.
There are also some who would prefer to have more boyfriends, and have the mindset of not settling for the first boyfriend in their life, for the simple reason that they believe there will be better people for them.
Well, there are also a few who never ever believed in love, and would choose not to get married, for the simple reason that they believe they'd end up in a divorce in the end.
Which category of people do you belong into?
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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I miss my mugger boyf ):
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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Happy three, friends (:
Yoohoo. I am finally back from MIA status. Basically I've been on a hiatus mode only because I haven't been coming online for a long time. Okay la, I just haven been online for a long period of time, always come online for like five minutes and go offline already.
What's been going on with my life? Trying to adapt back to school life. Though holidays are like long over, my mood has been stuck with the 'i dont want to study' mode. Ohwells. It's about time I pick up my pace and start mugging cos freaking promos is like only what, 9 weeks away? Crazy shit.
I am not even done with my homework.
Why am I so worried over homework you might ask? Cos all the teachers I've gotten are like damn bloody strict and they basically check ALL your tutorials. Bang, shoot them mans.
But of course, there will always be things that will make life a lot better.
Such as making salad from scratch! (: We cooked potatoes, ham and eggs, then cut everything, prepared the mayo+egg yolk sauce, and mash everything together (: It was really fun cooking together. And also, teaching you how to fold hearts, doing grocery shopping together at NTUC. It's every little thing that really adds up to my happiness these few days :D Blessed kid.
Okay, I'll go do my work now. (:
You make me feel blessed every single day! :D