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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Today was a really tiring day! I woke up at like 9am to study! Oh my god ): This is like totally rare but it's okay I'm loving the sleep early wake up early syndrome! I shall try to keep this up though I think that I will need to set aside a lot of time to study for econs and physics test ): sobsob-

But after a while of copying notes, I went down to Clarke Quay to meet Yanhui and Jeralyn! :D Love those 2 babes mans!

Thank you Yhui for the rose! Made me really happy :D
Look! Even J is jealous of my rose :D
Finally a solo shot of me and the rose! J keeps crashing my pictures.

Even though I was talking about having the "I have no best friend" feeling, I am glad that I have many good friends who are willing to go the extra mile just to cheer me up. It has been long since my girlfriend bought flowers for me. It has always been me buying for them.

It feels good to be appreciated. (:

Sorry Yhui that I didn't take a picture with you on my phone!! But there are pictures in your phone right! I will kope from your blog or from Facebook! Love love :D You know I love you very much girl!

J is a pretty girl! Everyone loves her!
We couldn't find any full length mirrors to take our outfit. We can only settle for this.
Sunshine makes Inez Lau happy.

Many pictures were taken with J but shall not flood my blog with our zipais. But more can be found on Facebook. I spent 40bucks at the flea and I think the things that I bought were really worth it. I am glad I managed to curb my spendings and not spent all 70 that I brought there (: Happy girl I am. I am so tired now. Shall go read econs notes and sleep early.

I was happy a moment ago, really was. But now, mood swang to the rock bottom. ):

Will there be less "talk to you tomorrow"?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Need a picture that will make my emotions more ... calm I guess? Today was a really sucky day for me as there were many who chose to step on my nerves whether knowingly or unknowingly. So this is going to be a ranty post. Please choose not to read this if you are extremely uncomfortable with my bitchy self. I am SERIOUS.

Well, let's just name the person A. I was just trying to be helpful to help A and Co and all I got was the "I honestly don't think you are good enough to say anything" face in return. Well, to be honest, I know I am not good enough and maybe I don't want to be good enough. And whether I am good enough or not, that is another topic. The main point is, I don't see why you should be so erg! bitchy towards someone who's trying to help!

Okay then it comes to B. I think you should have known me quite well to understand my character right? You ought to know that friends are the most important to me and you do know that I cannot stand solitude due to me being an only child since forever. I am really disappointed in our friendship. You make me feel as if I am just someone to be made use of and you can dispose of me when you do not need me. The feeling sucks.

And C. I can't decipher if you are a nice person. Maybe you are too nice a person that you totally get on my nerves. And not to mention that you are always so nice to whoever and when it comes to me, you are like fucking irritating. And when I use the f word, you ought to know I am serious about how irritated you make me feel. I swear I wanted to make minced meat out of you. Erg.

I don't know exactly who reads my blog and who doesn't. So don't be so critical about yourself that you think that you are all 3 people that I mentioned. But maybe, they may be even too dense to catch it.

The things that are written below are emo. Don't bother reading it if you are going to make sacarstic comments about it because this is my blog. Fuck off if you are not happy.

Friends, like I have said many times, are the most important people in my life. Maybe you will be all politically correct and comment that, oh you are so unfilial to not treat your parents as the most important. That is because you have not been through what I had been through last time. Those with sibilings, yall had the company of other kids in your childhood. Though they get you into trouble, they have still been a great company right? And for me? All I had was the four walls. No matter how happy I made my childhood to seem like, with all my Primary school classmates staying in the same block as me and all, it still doesn't cover the fact that I had been alone most of the time in my childhood days. And it was then, that I realise that friends are really important. Maybe that was when I started to become really .. afraid of loneliness? I am not shy to admit that I do need someone to acknowledge my presence. I know Boyfriend's there, God's there, but I need someone close. No matter was it from last time, so what if I have theTen? They always seem to have someone else whom they are closer to? So what if I have ZuiAi, she'll have her unsound whom she's closer with. It's not about being possessive. It's just that, when I sit back and think, it occured to me that I may just be someone that people will look for when they need someone to talk to and then throw me away when they no longer need me. This feeling truly sucks and I want to run and hide from it. Not feeling too good. The choked feeling's there. Save me someone. Many told me, you're a really great person to talk to, I can tell you everything ever so easily. And so? I am just a .. rubbish bin to throw away all your unwanted emotions and then you walk away. [Chrys, if you are reading this, I'm not talking about you] I miss having a bestfriend. I really do. But sadly, best friends do not exist in the world. Every friend will have other friends. I am feeling really sick and tired of putting up a high front in front of everyone. I miss having that someone who's able to look through my facade and tell me to stop all my false pretense and let me fall into her arms crying. I miss that kind of friend.

Feeling really tired after waterfall now. Need a break.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Today's Ben&Jerry's Free Cone Day! Jy, Jomel, Ahmah and me ponned econs lecture just to go for the free icecream. Cheapskate? You should try queueing next time. Absolute fun and laughter please (: Love it!

Look at the queue. This is like prolly tip of the iceberg? HAH.
Do you see the hope in our eyes! :D
Satisfaction after the icecream! Love it mans! Choc Fudge Brownie. Yummm
We are all psuedo-thin people! WOOHO

After B&J with them, Ahmah and I went home while Jy and Jomel went to study outside. I went home to get money before I went to the clinic to see the doctor. My eyes are infected and I freaking cannot wear contacts for like 5 days ): Sad life I lead. But if I am going out, I think I will just wear. Prays for it to get well-

And this is the scene that I saw outside my house!

Freaking scary right! What the hell! When I got out of my lift, I got a shock of my life lo! I thought what happened. Like something bombed my house or what! But it's cos they are upgrading the lift so I guess they are upgrading the floor too! To a higher class one?

But I swear it's like super... hard to walk and you might get pricked by the little rocks. And all the hacking of the floor has made my house super dusty and gross ): Can't wait for all the construction to come to an end. I need my quality afternoon nap know.

Okay I need to go copy notes and hurry retire to bed!

Inezlau needs to study like seriously! ):

Monday, April 20, 2009

Looking at the sky and the scenery around me never fail to spark my train of thoughts and get me feeling emotional and all.

Well, at least for today, something did strike me during my bus ride home.

Sometimes, I can't help but think, why be so nice to friends around you? I mean, all the tiny little efforts that I put into my daily life just to make them feel better is not a necessity in life. And many times, they often went unappreciated.

Not that I am saying I am super sweet to my friends and I want something back, but sometimes when you think back, what is the purpose?

I honestly don't know.

But many thanks to friends who do show their appreciation towards my little nice (maybe not so nice to you) acts. Very well appreciated by me. Love you guys.

Okay, I guess it's just the construction work up there that's making me think too much. I need rest. Till then.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Oh my god I swear I am like so tired now but I have no wish of sleep and I do not know the reason behind it. Nevermind. Since I cannot go to bed, let's start my endless rumble about what has been going on today (:

The day kicked off really really really WELL (: Because the spree person extended the maximum orders and my orders were taken into account. My Gosh I was like so damn happy and I was sure that today was going to be a really good day because of that.

Well, truth to be told, I guess it was the mentality that I started out with that made me go for grading with a happy mind and seeing those little kids made me happier.

though they were so noisy that I felt like killing them

Grading was alright (: Went to collect my biometric passport after that which totally was a long and torturous wait. But worth it (: Went home straight to fall into deep slumber after that.

If you are damn bored by the words, hold on! The pictures are coming! soon soon (:

Anyway, did I mention that there's construction going on above and at my house level. WHAT THE POK i tell you! ): made me damn grouchy cos I kept getting woken up by the drilling and knocking noise. ERG.

Okay okay shall move on to the highlight: STEAMBOAT WITH CLASSMATES! :D

Doesn't it look delicious? (: Woohoo!

Even though my class cannot be considered to be the most fun class around, (I mean look at s64 and all) but the girls are definitely a fun bunch to be together with. All our late night mahjong sessions, all our shopping trips, movie trips and eating trips are ever so memorable! Love them to the max okay! (:

Jomel Ho was sitting beside me hence, camwhore! :D
I realized it was damn difficult to go to toilet with my romper!!! =/
After eating like super a lot at the steamboat, namely fish (JY loves adding them), pork (my favorite of the day I don't know why), beef (the love of Malia and Cheryl) and cockles (love of ahbu) Oh and also all the wanton and some weird things, we went to Bugis Street to shop.

It seems almost impossible for me to leave bugis street without anything ):

Money fly money fly! Please let money drop from the sky!

Everyone was like so damn tired after all the eating and a whole day of training and practice. So everyone was damn nua and had to leave early.

Presenting to you:

The sole survivors of the day!!

We managed to drag our not so tired bodies to walk a bit more in bugis just to make me see how fussy ahmah is and also to buy bubble tea (: Talking about her band prac is fun stuff and also thanks for walking me to the mrt my dear!

Just look at the things I do just for friends!

This is a routine shot that I think Boyfriend is sick of!

Romper looks huge on me and hence, I've decided to put it up on sale at sgflea! :D Try to see if you can spot me selling it (: Heehee. Tired out now.

Feel like watching some show but got tons of work to be done tomorrow.

Inezlau, it's time to wake up and stop ponning school like free!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Finally received Boyfriend's gift for me! Love it :D

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Friday, April 10, 2009

I was mopping around recently about how I totally don't feel happy and all. Maybe cos Boyfriend's not by my side or maybe it is just PMS. But whichever the case is, I don't feel unhappy anymore. I feel, not exactly happy, but at least better C:

Reading some people's blogs make me wonder if Boyfriend going overseas is the right choice. I mean like, because there is less time spent, I think the number of quarrels occurring between the two of us is lessened by a lot. Although sometimes it gets relatively irritating when he just wants to fight with me when time to talk is already very short, the chances of those occurrences is really very very low.

So maybe I should thank God for having Boyfriend overseas (:

But in any case, Boyfriend, you are very much loved by me! And I am not afraid to say it out! Though you always accuse me of not willing to show my love for you :D In any case, just know that I do appreciate all the little things that you do for me.

As little as:
Tolerating my temper when it comes to IT stuff
Waking up early in the morning just to call me
Saying sweet nothings despite knowing that I will be a spoilsport
Making sure that I feel better (if I am sad) before hanging up
Compliments me at every chance that you have.

It's really such simple things that make me melt and fall in love with you all over again (: I wish for us to not quarrel anymore, [no, we did not quarrel recently] but that wish is impossible cos no two persons are made perfect for each other.

We just have to give and take (: Thats what's it's all about right?

I love you! :D

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

对曾经年少的他们而言,“爱”这个字从来没有出现在彼此的世界,一切的情感都用“喜欢”来概述。 然而经过三年的等待,三年的相思之苦,才走回彼此的身边,他们都深深地感受到,原来“喜欢”这个单词早就远远无法代表他们心里的那份悸动。


Writing chinese fanfics has always been my hobby. All thanks to the tons of tutorials and exams to prepare for, my hobby is slowly disappearing. Like my previous post, I still feel like sinking into the world of fiction and never get out. The feeling is not disappearing and I wonder why.

At times like these, I thank God for my wonderful and splendid friends around who are always there to show some comfort and concern. Thanks friends (: Especially Malia who texted me specially to ask how I was (: Friends like these make me feel really blessed. Especially during this period of time when he's not around.

I am sorry for being useless.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Love the way I look here (: Sorry zilian once more!
I have classmates that are so funky and cute! Lurbe yall lahzzxzx.
My favorite physics friend who always doesn't do tutorials BUT! she is a changed person now. Let's give her a round of applause to encourage her change (:
Sometimes, it's good to let loose (:

Main reason I went to school today? Photoshoot. If there wasn't the photoshoot, I think there's a very high chance that I would choose to skip school today. But there's always Chemistry practical for me to worry about. Aye. I am feeling all rubbishy today and I can't put an adjective to describe it.

I feel like immersing myself in the world of my chinese stories once again. Somehow, every single time I read the Chinese stories that I have written, I can't believe that it came out from my brain. Just seems so impossible.

Well, but I love writing emotions in Chinese.

Chinese is just a language that's so apt in describing emotions (:

Tomorrow there's nothing much going on, and going by my own calender, I am supposed to skip school tomorrow to rest at home. However, there's this briefing in the morning that I cannot skip. So sadly, you'll see me in school tomorrow ): And there's release of PW results on Thursday. Oh God, just show me some grace ):

Sometimes, I just don't feel like trying so hard anymore. Like trying hard to well for exams, trying hard to get a scholarship, trying hard to get a good SAT score. Sometimes I just feel like doing what I did in the picture above, just let loose and not bother. But the expectations of people, and the expectations of myself (which is like crazily high) is what that's forcing me to move on all these while. If only I could hide in the world of fictional stories and Boyfriend and not having to worry about studies anymore. That would be the world that I would want to live in forever. Okay, friends do matter too. But sometimes, social relationships tend to be a form on unknown stress too. The reputation and image that your friends have of you that you have to live up too. Tiring. Someone told me today, I am always so high in school. Well, once again, a percieved image of me. Maybe cos I was perceived this way so my body is organized to be high the moment I step into school. I am just feeling rubbishy and I need to let it out. If any of you out there read this, just keep the comments to yourself. I am fine, just needed to let loose once in a while (: Or rather, I will be fine.

This is such a pointless post!

Major Hearts!

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Sometimes I just wish for you to be by my side all the time.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

I am feeling so freaking tired but I've decided to blog anyway cos I guess I still need to wait for Boyfriend for a pretty long time. I swear my bones are aching to the max and they are shouting to my bed. But I will hang in there.

Today the main highlight of the day only started at the night (:

It was dinner at Azabu Sabo with lovelies to pre celebrate Yanhui's birthday cos Lin Xin cannot make it on Sunday due to competition.

Pictures below [too lazy to arrange properly!]

Lin Xin! Who claims that I keep ignoring her in school!
To prevent her from feeling that way, I took many pictures with her (:Here comes the Birthday Girl Goh Yanhui! :D
Hey lovely! I am glad I got to pre celebrate your birthday this year, even though I might be meeting you on Sunday again but that's still an unknown! In any case, I am really glad to have known you for like 5 years going 6 (:

You've always been the one to lend me a listening ear when I needed someone to rant to in the middle of the night. I will never forget all our late night conversations that never seem to have any awkward silence in between :D Thanks for always being that special friend whom I will always have endless topics to talk about in my life!

And also, thank you for all the hugs that you provided me with when I cried tears of joy, sadness and disappointment! Thanks babe!

Wishing you an early EXCITING eighteen ahead :D

Okay, this is very anti-climax, but before Lin Xin came from her training, we were at top shop trying on clothes. Or rather, specifically, it was me who was trying on clothes. Yanhui was just busy snapping pictures of me (: Love to go out with a budding photographer I swear! :D

It says, "Someone in NYC loves Me!" Awwww. Should change to LA!
Interesting picture right! Spot me :D
I tell you, I am so getting this piece for Topshop tomorrow! Love it! :D

Of course there were many more 自恋 shots of me in the changing room but I am just too embarrassed to put it all up here! There are more at Facebook and I am going to ask Hui to upload more too (: She didn't upload everything ):

Yep! I honestly need such lovely interruptions in my daily mundane life of school to perk me up and make me WHEEE~

You can ask Yanhui how crazily I was behaving in the changing room.

Stress level's too high yo!

Boyfriend's one of the daily perks that I look forward to too! But he's taking far too long to come back. I swear, I am falling asleep ):

Okay, maybe I will go catch a nap! Bye world!

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Look at the things I undergo to treat my hand. I swear the wax was like so effing hot okay that I wanted to curse and swear at the sinseh. And also, I went for 推拿 and the sinseh was being so fierce in treating my hand okay. The amount of strength that he put into treating my hand was like a ... i don't know. Pain!!! ):

I am watching this channel 8 show with Joshua Ang in it and all he can say in the show is, 你行的! Dying of laughter!

Boyfriend, I am procrastinating about doing your present cos somehow there's just this thought in me that you are not going to like the present ): Sulks- How now brown cow.